Relationship between Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction Among Physicians Working in Greater Male’ Hospitals
Autocratic leadership style, Democratic leadership style, Laissez-faire leadership style, Transformational leadership style, Transactional leadership style, Job satisfaction, PhysiciansAbstract
Leadership has a significant impact on the job satisfaction of health practitioners and it plays a key role in improving health care workers’ work performance, work environment and outcomes for patients in their care. This quantitative study identifies physicians’ perceptions of their supervisors’ leadership styles and examines the relationship between supervisors’ leadership styles and job satisfaction of physicians. Two-Hundred-and-Twenty-Six doctors participated in the study. Descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analysis were conducted as part of the data analysis. The results showed that almost half of the physicians were dissatisfied with their jobs on the measures used in this study. The results also revealed that the democratic leadership style and the transformational leadership style had a significant positive impact on the job satisfaction of physicians, whereas the autocratic leadership style, laissez-faire leadership style, and the transactional leadership style had a significant negative impact on the job satisfaction of physicians. This study contributes to the existing literature on the impact of different leadership styles on the job satisfaction of physicians, enabling healthcare supervisors and managers to self-identify areas to work on to improve their leadership and to set targets to effectively lead their teams, which eventually improves achievement of organizational objectives.
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