Job Motivation and Job Performance: A Case Study of the Maldives’ Energy Sector Employees
motivation in the workplace, employee performance, relationship, energy sector, employeesAbstract
Organizations maintain employee motivation in order to increase output and performance. When there is a lack of employee motivation within a company, employees’ potential and skills are underutilized and the employees are unable to accomplish organizational goals. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of motivation among staff of an urban electricity company in the Maldives, and to explore the relationship between the job performance and their motivation. A survey questionnaire was used for data collection. The results showed that there is a significant and favorable relationship between employee motivation and performance. However, with a correlation rs (125) =.38, p<.001, these two variables do not appear to be strongly correlated. Further analysis indicates that women had lower motivation than men. This is concerning since women are severely under-represented in the energy sector. Factors which may negatively influence the culture of reciprocity to work beyond work contracts for the benefit of the company, also need to be investigated further.
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